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Thank you for your interest in joining my group.
tl;dr: the deadlines to apply are always April and November and you have to apply via the official calls posted here. For postdocs it is only November. There are sometimes other ways to join throughout the year, so please just reach out in case the next deadline is far away.
Nature of our work #
I am primarily a theoretical physicist, and my work is directed at understanding and exploiting the new possibilities of quantum technology for applications, e.g., to simulate many-body physics. As a result, we predominantly think about AMO (atomic, mesoscopic, and optical) systems, but use inspiration and tools from condensed matter and quantum information theory. Our group is based in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), embedded into the Quantum for Life centre and QMATH, but we also frequently collaborate with experimentalists and maintain strong ties to theoretical and experimental groups in the nearby Niels Bohr Institute, especially to the quantum optics section section and the condensed matter group.
Work environment #
As a city, Copenhagen frequently tops rankings of the most liveable cities in the world. Denmark has claimed the top spot in the SDG gender index, but of course much remains to be done. In our group, we are committed to supporting women and minorities in science. UCPH is a very supportive and family friendly employer.
UCPH has a number of world-leading research groups in quantum technologies. There are research centres working on the whole array quantum technologies experimentally, including solid-state platforms at QDEV (spin qubits, quantum dots, superconducting qubits and topological materials), photonics and optomechanics at Hy-Q, and hybrid platforms incorporating cold atoms at QUANTOP. Similarly, we have outstanding theory colleagues in quantum optics, condensed matter, quantum information, and computer science. The most recent addition to the ecosystem is the 1.5 bn DKK ($200m) Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme. This makes Copenhagen a vibrant and modern work environment with a world-leading, collaborative effort in quantum science.
PhD candidates #
My group tackles a wide range of problems, and thus you will have considerable flexibility in choosing your research field, leaning either to more mathematical topics in quantum information and tensor networks, or to quantum optics and experimental platforms. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, atomic arrays, ultracold atoms, superconducting circuits, quantum circuits, and tensor network states.
You do not have to bring your own research agenda. I have research problems to start you off, and at later stages I will help you come up with meaningful research questions yourself. Ideally you should have a background in quantum optics, many-body physics, or quantum information theory, have excelled in your undergraduate, and be intrinsically motivated to succeed in academia.
Applications in the Department of Mathematics are managed centrally, and there are two calls each year, with deadlines in November and April. To apply and for further details, please head to, and follow the instructions there. Please make sure you name me as your “Suggested PhD adviser”.
I have advised and mentored a number of students. I encourage you to reach out to them to ask them about their experience if you are interested. I can give you contact details upon request.
Postdoctoral researchers #
You will be granted substantial freedom in my group. For postdocs, there is only one official deadline per year (November), but there are other modes of employment that work year-round, so please contact me at any time. Moreover, there are several fellowships worth applying to, including Marie Curie fellowships (funded by the EU), fellowships by the Carlsberg Foundation, or from DeiC.